Benefits of an ICT Plan

Audrey Watson

St. Macartan's Primary School

Saint Macartan’s Primary School is a rural primary school located in the village of Loughinisland in County Down. There are 183 pupils and 7 full-time and 1 part-time teaching staff.

Audrey Watson has been the Principal of St Macartan’s for 13 years and has for many years recognised the value of embedding ICT into all the subjects and activities in the school for her pupils.

In this video clip Audrey tells us of the huge impact technology has had on Saint Macartan’s and how they are ensuring they are equipping their pupils for the future.

Key Learning

  • Plan - Do - Review

  • Hasten slowly

  • Stay focused on what is best for the children

  • Plans are ongoing and evolving – especially in terms of ICT

  • The challenge is to keep the development of ICT skills driving forward – the skills acquired by staff, parents and pupils – no regression

  • Soft skills can be developed through the correct use of digital technology

Points to Consider

  • Main criteria 1) How does it benefit our children?2) Is it practical, sustainable and workable?

  • If yes to the above, you create staff buy-in which is essential

  • Training in small steps – ‘hasten slowly’ – allow changes to become embedded – trial and error- Plan Do Review cycle- if it doesn’t work or isn’t fit for purpose, be brave enough to bin it!

  • Accept that it is never done. Technology is constantly evolving and at a considerable pace

  • Our world is digital and we have a duty to prepare our children for that world

  • Technology links rural schools with the wider world and creates equal opportunities

  • Increased parental engagement and communication has been a useful by-product