Andrea Sawyers

Supporting Wellbeing across the school community

Augher Central Primary School

Augher central Primary school is a primary school in the heart of the Clogher Valley.

Andrea Sawyers is a teaching principal in the school. In this video she outlines a number of strategies that the school have embedded to ensure positive wellbeing amongst the pupils and the school community. She explains how some of these strategies involve the local community and how she has ensured the activities have continued during the period of remote learning.

Augher central pictures.pptx

Key learning

Engaging the school community

  • Use a range of strategies for engagement and wellbeing to suit the context of the school

  • Challenges can promote an opportunity for families to connect

  • Engaging with local schools and businesses may support wellbeing initiatives

  • Using the outdoors for more than outdoor learning

  • Link with funded agencies to provide ideas and support

Questions to consider

  • How can the school team up with local schools to support initiatives for the benefit of the children?

  • How can local community be connected with to promote community involvement?

  • How can the PTFA be used to enhance wellbeing initiates?

  • How is engagement monitored?

Further resources