Providing Effective Feedback Remotely

For all webinar materials please click here

For all webinar materials please click here

Effective Feedback Strategies for Teaching Remotely - Primary

Recording of Effective Feedback Strategies for Teaching Remotely - Primary on Thursday 11 March 2021

Effective Feedback Strategies for Teaching Remotely - Post Primary

Recording of Effective Feedback Strategies for Teaching Remotely - Post Primary on Wednesday 3 March 2021

Effective Feedback Strategies for Teaching Remotely - Primary

Recording of Effective Feedback Strategies for Teaching Remotely - Primary on Tuesday 23 February 2021

Effective Feedback Strategies for Teaching Remotely - Post Primary

Recording of Effective Feedback Strategies for Teaching Remotely - Post Primary on Wednesday 10 February 2021

This module will look at the aspects of feedback which are proven to be most effective and then illustrate how each aspect can be demonstrated through Microsoft and Google platforms. Please view the presentation and associated links. Teachers across Ireland have been demonstrating how this works for them and we have uploaded case studies for each aspect to show you how it's done.

Feedback presentation in slides

See collated notes pages from the presentation

Feedback PP transcript.docx

Click here to download a copy of the presentation.

Links to resources from the presentation

Slide 4: John Hattie: What is Feedback?

John Hattie Keynote 1 part 2 - Feedback.mp4

Slide 8 and 9: Feedback Webinar

Slide 15: How to guides on assessment and feedback

Slide 16: Using Rubrics with Google classroom

Slide 18: Google Classroom-Sharing Learning Intentions and Success Criteria

Slide 17: Mark Mahood Regent House School 6th form 4.23-12.25

Slide 19: Darren Curry St Joseph's High School Londonderry 12.45-32.05

Slide 22: Using one note to provide audio feedback

Case Studies

Ballyclare Primary School

Using Digital Tools to provide feedback.

St John the Baptist College

Providing audio feedback remotely

Lurgan College

Using google forms to promote engagement

St Dominic's Grammar School

Using collaborate Ultra as a virtual classroom

Further CCEA resources to support professional learning on Feedback are available below and can be also be accessed here.

Providing Effective Feedback_ Implications for Teaching and Learning (1).pdf
Assessment for Learning for Key Stage 1 & 2 (Guidance Booklet).pdf
Assessment for Learning for Key Stage 3.pdf